Monday, December 30, 2013

Winding Down the Year

My sister has been visiting which compels me to actually do stuff and not sit around reading blogs most of the day. Subsequently I've only managed to read an entry here and there and have lost track of what everyone has been up to.

She and I had a very nice, relaxing Christmas. There's been too much food but that's about par for the course. I keep apologizing to the horse and promising him that I will get back on track after the beginning of the year. I've been working on the sitting trot and actually rode about a 20 meter circle without bouncing. I just love it when I do something right.

I hate arthritis. I got a prescription from my doctor. It helps but I'm still so stiff most of the time. I'm trying to do my walk at home DVD and I also received a yoga DVD for Christmas that I need to stop ignoring.

My brother passed on his old Kindle to me and I'm reading my first book using it. I am so glad that it times out since I tend to fall asleep while reading in bed. It's also neat because it remembers where I stopped reading so I'm not losing my place all the time.

My sister flies home this Saturday but will be moving up to live with me sometime next year. It will be nice to have her here.

I'm sorry to see that some of my favorite bloggers mention that they may quit writing after this year. I will miss reading their thoughts and activities.

I wish everyone health and happiness in 2014 and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your sister coming to live with you; I'd love to move closer to family... maybe in 2014!

    Hope the new prescription works... and don't worry too much about over-eating til the new year... we're all in the same boat, believe me. ;)
