Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Marital Moment

Turner Classic Movie's star of the month for March has been Jean Harlow so we've enjoyed watching her movies on Tuesday evenings. I think it was in The Girl from Missouri where she fell in love with a rich man who thought she was a gold digger. At one point she was telling him that she would be willing to take elocution, tennis and riding lessons to better herself and make her more acceptable to his friends. I pointed out to my husband that I should be able to fit into high society since I take riding lessons. Look up utter disbelief in the dictionary - you'll find his face.


  1. I've been watching 60's movies on TCM. Some seemed to have no ending at all. I watched "The Way We Were" for the first time ever and wasn't impressed. I think I like 30's and 40's movies best!

    LOL at the husband's disbelief. Hey, you strike me as pretty high society now that you're taking riding lessons. All I ever did was get on the horse and ride; I'm sure I was doing it all wrong.

  2. I'll bet that look was classic. I can just imagine. LOL

  3. I think we would all fit right in elite society circles. Once you get past the manure and hay stuck to the boots...well there's no stopping us!

  4. Hahaha! You are a hoot, that is so funny, I would loved to have seen the look on his face. We all may smell like manure and have it stuck to our boots but we could take on high society if we wanted to! ha!
