Thursday, February 17, 2011

Boycott Anti-American Women Comment

I've never had a spam commenter before. I removed his comment. What a tool.

I normally would have caught his comment yesterday evening but we had a mini-crisis to take care of. My husband went into the garage around 5:30 and noticed the water heater was leaking. One of the hoses needed to be replaced. He headed off to Ace Hardware for the part. I decided to caramelize onions for the roast beef sandwiches we were having for dinner knowing I could zap them in the microwave later, if necessary. Husband called saying Ace didn't have the hose so he was heading for Home Depot. I sliced the Kaiser rolls for the sandwiches and stuck them back in the bakery bag.

Husband arrives home with a hose. Home Depot didn't have the exact same hose so he had to buy a different length. Long story short, he had to remove a brass fitting and soldier in additional copper pipe to make this new hose fit. The old brass fitting did not want to come loose even using a torch. Once the new hose was affixed there were new leaks to deal with. We ended up being in the garage until after 10:00 p.m.

Note to new brides - Most men love for you to "help" when they're involved in a major project. I didn't contribute much to this whole endeavor other than mopping water off the floor and handing him a tool now and then. The fact that I was "suffering" along with him and not sitting in comfort in the house while he was working was very much appreciated. This isn't just my observation but something I've read in books. Maybe it's because misery loves company? Personally, I prefer to work alone so it may be one of those Mars/Venus things.

So, we didn't eat dinner until about 10:30. I can't eat late at night without getting acid reflux which showed up around 2:00 a.m. Oh joy.

NuzMuz, yes I having been getting my nails done for over twenty years. I first considered giving it up when I retired because it is a luxury but kept doing it since I was able to afford it. Then I seriously considered quitting when I added the expense of riding lessons. But my real nails are so ugly that I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Actually I've become kind of high maintenance since I was diagnosed with cancer. I never colored my hair before but when I lost it all, I kind of went crazy when the new growth started coming in. I am trying not to fritter away money on other stuff and so far this year have done pretty well.


  1. My comment was really meant to be humorous, because most of us who ride horses break our nails so often that we have nothing left to manicure or paint. I remember being in a mall and having someone jump out at me with some nail care product, wanting to do a demonstration. I said, "Are you kidding? I work with horses. I don't have any nails."

    With this post you did a good job showing Mr. Anti American Women that some American wives do work their butts off.

  2. Wow, sounds familiar. We've had more water in our basement this winter than I think I've had in all my previous winters put together. Glad your hubs was able to fix it.

  3. Spam commnetors are why I have comments set up for approval. That way I can just send them to spamville and they never get noticed.

    Sounds like a good plan hanging out and offering moral support. Something I have not done but proably should.

  4. I believe this guy sent his comment to me too and I just deleted him. I also delete anyone who tries to get free advertising on my blog.

    The garage job sounds annoying. A few weeks ago we had our water heater in the basement flood everything when a hose and handle thing broke off. There were no towels left in the house by the time I was done. My husband went out to the plumber supply place but they were closed at 1 in the afternoon. Nice. We finally got the guy who installed it to come over he had the part on the truck. Lucky for us.

  5. I occasionally get a spam comment and I delete it immediately. They are a pain in the behiney. I'm always afraid of getting some inappropriate stuff.

    My poor hubby just isn't handy with repairs. Now my Dad can fix anything so when he is here in the summer he does it all and I hold the tools for him or run to the garage for him. Otherwise I have to call the plumber which is VERY expensive!!! :o(

    Visited my 'boys' yesterday and they are still all fuzzy in their winter coats. I always dread shedding season, I really would like to blanket all of my boys but they do fine without them except Nick. He just doesn't get enough of a coat for this climate. I call him city boy!

    I love getting my nails done but I don't have the acrylics any more, it just got soooooo expensive but I do pretty well having my own done. Better in the winter when I am not in the barn as much, in the summer, forget it! ha!
